Friday, August 17, 2012

MINUTES FOR GA - 8/16/12

OCCUPY JERSEY CITY - Meeting / General Assembly

Thursday, August 16th 2012

7pm - 7:30pm

*GA was short.  
Meeting was in groups.  
Discussion topics listed below FYI

Attending:  Saul, Moh, Erik, Lorsen and a few of our homeless friends

- Health and taking care of body
- Julian Assange and Ecuadorian Consulate
- Homeless woman who died
- Activist and Organization Vigil to be held NEXT TUESDAY 7:30 pm in Mc Ginley Square for HOMELESS woman
- Occupy Jersey City endorsed this action tonight

MINUTES FOR GA's of 8/2, 8/7, 8/9 and 8/14

Minutes for GA's of 8/2, 8/7, 8/9 and 8/14 were not submitted.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

MINUTES FOR GA - 7/31/12

OCCUPY JERSEY CITY - Meeting / General Assembly - Tuesday July 31st 2012

*OJC had an informal GA / Meeting tonight with no official Facilitator or Minute taker.

7pm - 8:30pm

Erik is providing these notes for information:


Chaz, Imran, Alex, Elliot, Erik, Charlie, Kyle, Jameelah, and 6 young people who attended a HUGE rally months ago--(the anti-PATH fare increase rally), others.....

Topics discussed:

*What is / who is terrorist? to media? to Americans?
*End wars and help homeless
*Come to city council meetings
*People should get MORE involved
*Effect of violent films on psyche of audience
*Colorado shooter
*Fulop - 2nd letter from OJC will be published soon - most likely this weekend's paper - HUDSON REPORTER
*Elliot brought info re: Zeitgeist event August 5th at National Black Theatre
*Michael P is away
*Solidarity with Anaheim

MINUTES FOR GA - 7/26/12

Minutes for this GA were not submitted. Minute taker is requested to send the Minutes or submit a report back as to what transpired.